Author Em Sauter Named "Best Book" Finalist for Hooray for Craft Beer!
Guild of Beer Writers announces finalists in Annual Awards
The British Guild of Beer Writers has announced the writers, journalists, bloggers and other communicators who have reached the finals of its Annual Awards 2022. Category winners and runners up as well as the overall Beer Writer of the Year and Brewer of the Year will be unveiled on 23 November at the Guild’s Annual Awards Dinner in London.
Judges read, viewed and listened to 190 entries including books, newspaper and magazine articles, blogs, radio broadcasts, films and podcasts. Entries were submitted across 16 categories including new Awards for Best Communication about Diversity in Beer and Pubs, and Best Communication about Cider, the latter following the Guild’s decision to include cider writing within its remit. The winners will share a highest-ever prize fund of £19,500 thanks to the Award sponsors.
Finalists were selected through a robust judging process by a panel chaired by Pete Brown, current Beer Writer of the Year, who said: “I first chaired these Awards a decade ago and this year’s field feels very different: more entries tackling a broader range of topics and using a wider range of media, submitted by a more diverse group of writers and other communicators.
“The quality of entries this year is as high as it’s ever been, which speaks volumes for the standard of communication achieved by Guild members. It also means that some great work has sadly not made the cut this year, so as well as congratulating our finalists, we send our commiserations to the talented communicators who’ve missed out this year – and hope they enter again.”
Guild of Beer Writers announces finalists in Annual Awards
The Brewer of the Year Award, sponsored by SIBA, is decided by Guild members. Seven brewers were nominated by members, who then voted in an online poll. The winner will be announced at the dinner.
The Awards dinner will be held on 23 November at One Great George Street in Westminster. Guests enjoy dinner with beers matched to each course and beers before and after the meal, provided by the Awards sponsors. Guild members, both individual and corporate, and non-Guild members, are welcome to attend, more information and tickets are available on the Guild website:
Alongside Pete Brown, this year’s judging panel includes: Mitch Adams, Beer Sommelier and beer buyer at Euroboozer; Molly Davis, head of communications at the BII; Claire Dodd, travel and drinks writer; Matt Eley, communications consultant and former editor of Inapub magazine; Fergus Fitzgerald, production director at Adnams; Kelly McCarthy CBII, licensee of the Old Sun Inn in Yorkshire; John Mitchinson, co-founder of crowdfunding publishers Unbound; Ned Palmer, cheesemonger and author and Michelle Perrett, industry journalist and communications expert.
Best Book about Beer or Pubs, sponsored by HEINEKEN
Melissa Cole
Jonny Garrett
Roger Protz
Adrian Tierney-Jones
Jaega Wise
Issued on behalf of: British Guild of Beer Writers
Further information: / 07841 694137
The British Guild of Beer Writers was formed in 1988 to help spread the word about beers, brewing and pubs. With close to 300 individual members and 60+ corporate members, its mission is “to improve the standards of beer writing and improve the public knowledge of beer and pubs.” Its members include the cream of the country’s beer communicators – be they journalists, authors, bloggers, producers, photographers, broadcasters, illustrators or PR consultants. Corporate members of the Guild include brewers, brand owners, distributors, pub companies, and many suppliers associated with the brewing trade.